Travels with Annie and Elmo

Travel should be a journey where the destination is just another part of the Journey.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Note to Anonymous

May 27, 2006

I like your sense of humor and have liked it for many years. It is weird. I understand that living too long in the middle of the desert with cows, falls from horses and shooting yourself in the stomach with a roman candle can create a weird sense of humor.

And here is how I feel. I have never slept better nor been more eager for the next day than I have for the last 12 days. I am in a state of awe. I suck in the air and taste its sweetness as it crosses my tongue. I wallow in the beauty that surrounds me. My soul is lifted up. I love Annie more. Elmo is now my buddy. I like the process of making and breaking camp. I am a child of Lewis or Clark or the first people crossing ice bridges into the wilderness I now speed through.



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